This is a model showing the progression a healthy mouth to one that has periodontal disease.

Model showing left to right worse to healthy mouth conditions

As we see new patients in our office to get a cleaning in Redding, we often hear the question, “Can I just get a cleaning?” We would like to explain a little more about what goes into your 3, 4, or 6 month routine visit to our office. 


Dental Prophylaxis


A “prophy” for short is what kind of cleaning a healthy mouth gets routinely on a six month visit. The purpose of this visit is to clean teeth and polish them to allow for a good exam. It also helps prevent any future issues. This visit is preventative in nature and is important to maintain an overall healthy mouth. 


Scaling and Root Planing


Scaling and Root Planing or “deep cleanings” go hand in hand with the diagnosis of Periodontitis. Periodontitis is a condition where inflammation and bacteria lead to bone-loss and scaling and root planing is the first step towards getting your mouth back on track. This is active treatment that requires good home care in addition to a thorough removal of the build-up. We do this over two days since it requires the use of anesthetic to treat comfortably. Getting your tongue numb on both sides is not fun!

Periodontal Maintenance


Once a doctor diagnoses periodontitis and a hygienist performs scaling and root planing, the goal is to maintain a healthy environment with a “perio maintenance.” Much like diabetes, managing periodontitis continues daily. Unfortunately, once bone loss occurs, we do not have proven techniques to grow the bone back and the gums and teeth require more work to keep them healthy. This is why we start with 3 month increments to see us immediately after scaling and root planing. We follow up on home care instructions, check on progress of healing from the gums, and then re-evaluate the time between visits.

If conditions improve, we extend the next appointment to 4 months. After 4 months if everything looks good, we extend to 6 months and hopefully maintain this interval moving forward. Later, if there are signs of inflammation returning or more areas that bleed, we may return to 3 or 4 month intervals depending. Should you miss enough of these maintenance appointments, another round of Scaling and Root Planing may be necessary. 


A Word About Other Treatments…

Whitening is most effective when done right after a cleaning. Ask as more about it when you come in next!

We are a general family dental office and the above treatments are what we do to be diligent in restoring your confidence and smile. The world of dentistry changes slowly and while there may be new treatments available, we choose to provide what the evidence shows as being effective. 

We love hearing about new proven techniques or treatments so do not hesitate to bring them up! Sometimes more complex and advanced treatment requires a periodontist. Their specialty focuses on the gums and bone, the supporting structures to your teeth. They are who we refer you to if your treatment requires something more in depth to what we already provide. 


Here is what one of our satisfied patients said about their recent cleaning in Redding appointment: “I had a great experience getting my teeth cleaned today. My hygienist was very sweet and gave me tips on what I can do to preserve my teeth. Dr. Tucker was very nice and explained things that are happening and what needs to be done next. Everyone at the front desk was very polite scheduling me for my next appt and going over my bill and a future crown.😬”

If you need a cleaning in Redding give us a call at (530) 222–0920 or book an appointment online today!

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